

VPACE Kids Cup #2B Saturday

VPACE Kids Cup #1 - 2023 - 17.jpg


Day Description Time
Friday Riders Confirmation 17h00 - 19h00
Saturday Riders Confirmation 08h00 - 09h00
Track Walk 09h00 - 09h45
Rider's Meeting 10h00 - 10h15
Training 10h15 - 12h00
Break 12h00 - 12h30
Race 1 from 12h30
Race 2 from approx. 14h00
Awards Ceremony approx. 17h00

Reglement of the Series

Effective from: 01.01.2024

Latest Update: December 19, 2024

The series consists of several separate races. All races are financial, legal and sporting independent. These rules apply to all races.

The races serve as a preliminary stage for the Rookies Cup. The kids should have fun and action, meet bike friends, get to know new ones and get used to competitions in a playful way.

§ 1 Registration

Every rider has to use the registration form on The start number will be issued in the organisation office or at the booth of the Kids Cup.

All riders require a declaration of consent by their parents or other legal guardian. They have to deliver the signed form at the number board handing out.

The transfer/delivery of a starting slot to third parties is always precluded.

§ 2 Registration time limit

Registration deadline is always on Tuesday 23:59 before the races. If the registration quota is reached the organisers reserve the right to close registration in advance. There is no claim for a late registration on site.

§ 3 Registration Fee

The fee to attend the race is Euro 35 includes start fee and series fee.

§ 4 Number plates

Every rider gets a new number board at every race. Number plates must be fixed in front of the handlebar and should readable throughout the competition.

§ 5 Classification

Class YoB Gender
Mini Boys 2019 - 2020 male
Mini Girls 2019 - 2020 female
Boys 2017 - 2018 male
Girls 2017 - 2018 female
Maxi Boys 2015 - 2016 male
Maxi Girls 2015 - 2016 female

§ 6 Equipment

The following safety gear is required for every racer:

  • bike helmet, fullface helmet is recommended
  • knee pads
  • gloves with full hand protection

Helmet straps must be closed on course.

§ 7 Technical condition of bikes, equipment and clothing

Parents are responsible for the bike, the material and the protection equipment. The condition, quality and construction are to ensure the safety for riders, competitors or other persons. The equipment/safety gear should be marked with a seal of approval of an international inspecting authority.

§ 8 Training

All riders must ride one practice run during the training session.

§ 9 Results

All riders do two timed race runs. The best run counts. If a rider won´t ride a second time the first run is taken into consideration.

§ 10 Awards Ceremony

All riders will be honoured with a medal, 30 min after the race. The top three placed riders in each class will be honoured particularly.

§ 11 Prizes

The top three placed riders will get prizes during the awards ceremony.

§ 12 Responsibilities

Riders attend the race on their own account and at their own risk. The legal representatives are responsible for the safety of the bike and clothes/safety gear of their kid. The organization is not responsible and cannot be held responsible for any injuries and damages as results of any action during the whole raceday.

All riders and legal representatives are responsible for insurance cover concerning damages based on the participations in the race.

§ 13 Waiver of liability

The legal representatives dispense with the registration altogether regarding indemnity claim or regress towards the organizer, designee, commissaries, authorities or other person in association with the event.

The liability waiver comes into effect upon registration with the organization. Over and above this no further claims can be made. Specifically excluded from liability are MTB-Agency and Racement GmbH. The organization keeps the right to make any necessary changes or even to cancel the whole race according to safety problems, official orders, government laws and other unforeseen events at any time in the race without obligations regarding indemnifications.

The subscribers of the registration accept the terms and conditions of the regulations concerning the implementation of the competition, other specific determinations of the event and the responsibilities and waiver of liability.

The legal representatives confirming explicitly the correctness of all data of the registration.

§ 14 Withdrawal

The racing officials hold the right to withdraw starters if they feel there is a danger for the starter or any other person.

If the race organisers believe a rider is not capable to tackle the race course they reserve the right to withdraw the rider from the event on grounds of their safety and that of the other riders and spectators.

§ 15 Data protection

By submitting an application to take part in a race the legal representatives also allow the Cup organization and the event organizers to use personal data for campaigns and activities connected to the events. The organizers shall have unlimited rights to publish pictures and video material of the participants, to forward these to press representatives and to use them for marketing activities. There is no factual and time limitation.